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Purified water system

The pharmaceutical industry utilizes purified water as one of the main ingredients for processing, formulating, and manufacturing pharmaceuticals and other active ingredients. PARAGON ensures a clear answer to any request related to water treatments for pharmaceutical water production and any other critical water application (e.g. cosmetics, health-care, human and animal aliments). We apply a very focalised and precise approach and a wide range of specific knowledge. Operates through different water treatment phases, both related to the specific water quality and to the production necessities. The treatment phases which are needed to divide water from any organic substance, both with high or medium molecular weight, include:


Ø Removal of suspended solids.

Ø Removal of iron and manganese compounds.

Ø Water softening or hardness stabilization.

Ø Removal or chemical binding of chlorine.

Ø Removal or chemical binding of carbon dioxide.

Ø Removal of colloidal impurities (to decrease value of the SDI15 index)

Ø Sodium hypochloride dosing station for water disinfection and oxidation of organic substances, reducing the bacterial charge

Ø Sodium metabisulphite dosing station for neutralization and chlorine

Ø Single stage RO + Electrodeionization

Ø Double stage RO

Ø Double stage RO + Electrodeionization

Ø UV lamps



For the generation of Purified Water with parameters compliant with the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia, Chinese Pharmacopoeia and US Pharmacopoeia, a combination of reverse osmosis and electrodeionization techniques is most often used. Depending on the level of salinity in the raw water, the electrodionisation can be preceded by single- or double-stage reverse osmosis.


In each step of reversed osmosis (RO) water is treated through membranes composed by thin films, (TFC or TFM), which offer the highest retention of contaminants.


Two different flows are generated by RO systems: permeated, corresponding to the specific PW, and concentrated RO, which is recycled in the system to obtain a higher regain with a lower feed water expenditure. An additional stage in the RO process can be included to reduce water waste through the concentrated RO.


PARAGON’ standard plants can cover a range of production from 500 liters per hour to 50.000 liters per hour. Larger and smaller sizes are also available on request. PARAGON Purified water production plants are in full compliance with the Standard request of Pharmacopoeias.

Ø Ø Centrifugal booster pump in AISI 316L stainless steel,

Ø Ø Electronic pressure transducers automatically regulating the pump capacity  

Ø Ø AISI 316L stainless steel membrane vessels

Ø Ø Sanitary in-line instrumentation to monitor product critical parameters, such as conductivity, temperature and pH.

Ø Ø Full automation managed through GAMP-compliant hardware and software

Ø Ø Framework and control board in AISI 304 stainless steel satin finished

Ø Ø CIP sanitization or HOT WATER sanitization












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